Why Live Right?
Happy is the man who doesn’t give in and do wrong when he is tempted, for afterwards he will get as his reward the crown of life that God has promised those who LOVE HIM.- James 1:2 TLB
Notice how loving God is connected to refusing to give into sin when it comes knocking. Refusing to give into the pressure to sin is not about being a “goody, goody” Christian nor is it only about the rewards; it’s about LOVING GOD! The reason we say “No” to the pressure of sin is because WE LOVE THE LORD! It’s not because our pastor told us to say no, nor its because its our religion to say no. This is a “love” issue! We love someone so much that we stand against all temptation and declare, “I Love GOD More!” That someone is our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!
Don’t be ashamed to turn down invitations to do things that you know are not the will of God for you! Let them know that it’s not because of some church policy or some religious set of rules that you are saying no. Let them know it’s because you Love God and you love pleasing him more than anything.
Jesus loved his Father and he loved all of us so much that He overcame everything that came against him to trip him up! His love for us is clearly seen in his willingness to say “No” to all temptations to veer off!
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