Jesus said, "If you do these things, HAPPY are you."

     Have you ever tried to find happiness, but nothing seemed to cut it? Have you ever been so low that no thing could give you the joy and the peace you were looking for? Have you ever gotten into a relationship thinking, "this is it," or bought that really cool house, or car, or outfit, only to find out that there was still an emptiness inside? We all have, and it can really be frustrating to get what we thought would bring us happiness and peace, but still find ourselves in that "grey" zone. 

     Good News: There is a way to have true happiness and peace until the day of your departure and it's completely free! Jesus said it's when we discover and do His plan for our lives, that we would be HAPPY! Not happy like a temporary Hollywood movie makes us feel, but deep inner satisfaction that the world could never give nor take away! Being in, and doing the will of God for our lives is a sure, solid way of guaranteed contentment and joy! He said, "Happy are you if you DO them." He was talking about His teachings, which are His will for our lives.

     Jesus has more than enough joy and peace for everyone to overflowing. His way is the way of peace and His plan contains prosperity and happiness to the full! Depression is not from the Lord and no one has to live in sadness after all the Lord has done to set us free. It's when we are living in His will for our lives, that the very atmosphere of heaven can engulf us and surround us here in this fallen world! 

     People who constantly try to obtain true happiness without Jesus being the Lord of their lives usually end up frustrated and bummed. We do not need any more celebrities taking their own life to convince us that money and fame is not the answer.

     Doing the will of God is not burdensome or a drag. The devil is a liar! DOING the will of God is the best life there is! JOY, PEACE, PROTECTION, PROSPERITY, plus a sense of God's awesome presence every where you go are just some of the benefits of doing His will! Walking in love, living a Spirit filled life, serving in the Lord's church, being a person of honesty and integrity are some of the things that are the will of God for us all! Get ready for JOY and PEACE to become a permanent part of your life!

"If they obey and serve Him (God), they will spend their days in prosperity and their years in pleasure." Job 36:11

John Cappetto, Pastor


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