Grace AND Works

For by grace are you saved through faith... not of works... We are His workmanship created in Christ Jesus unto good works...- Ephesians 2:8-10

          Which is it? Grace OR Works? IT”S BOTH! The Bible teaches BOTH! Grace is what saves us AND good works are what we get to do once we are saved. Get rid of the “OR” and realize that both grace and works are the will of God for us all! Just understand the simple truth that works are not a “means” of salvation but a “result” of salvation.

          Here’s the deal: when you love someone you will WANT to do whatever pleases the one you love. No one will have to talk you into it, and it won’t be a drag doing it. If working for the Lord, serving in his church, and doing the things the New testament teaches is not that important, then something is wrong. Works can be legalistic or they can be love!

          Jacob “worked” for seven years in order to marry Rachel, and those years of work seemed to him but a few days BECAUSE OF HIS LOVE FOR RACHEL! Genesis 29:20. Why are some believers having a hard time loving to “work” for the Lord! The answer is in Genesis 29:20.

Really think about this:

          Saved BY Grace- Works BY Love! We don’t work to try and get saved. We ARE saved and now God’s loving nature in us WANTS to work for Him! 


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